Tenskwatawa's Prophecy

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Location: Indiana, United States

08 September 2006

Souder Strikes Out

I didn't see this story (http://www.fortwayne.com/mld/journalgazette/news/15431844.htm)
picked up by many blogs, and much of what it covers is by now old news, that is, that 3 Indiana seats could switch parties. But, the story touched on my third district briefly. To me it is interesting that Rep. Souder started running attack adds back in May. Quoting the Journal Gazette-

"Souder began airing radio commercials immediately after the May primary and hasn’t let up. One, for instance, scoffs at Democratic opponent Tom Hayhurst for being rich, retired and interested in a full-time public service job."

"In it, Souder says four Republican physicians were elected to Congress in 1994 to make changes in the federal approach to health care, not to “do some public service at the end of their medical careers.” He describes Hayhurst, as “a wealthy, retired doctor worth up to $15 million who thinks being a congressman for a few years would be interesting. But being a congressman, if you want to get things done, is hard work. It’s not something you retire into.”"

For Souder, who has accomplished next to nothing in his 12 years of office, this is really rich. For a guy who promised to leave office after 6 terms to go after someone "who thinks being a congressman for a few years would be interesting" is grotesque. And what am I to make of Hayhurst? That he is rich and not interested in moving on to other positions of power? Doesn't that make him immune to the corruption of office that afflicts so many in Washington?